AI Art

This page is dedicated to my AI Video-DJ project Boomgan. The idea is to generate “trippy” visualizations for electronic music using Nvidia’s Stylegan 3 that vibe with the music. For now, Boomgan only supports pre-rendering sets but a live mode is planned.

Image Samples

rjump Randomly jumping between random latent space vectors (rjump) Cutoff rjump on metfaces dataset (rjump 4:)
twocircle Jumping between two circles in latent space (twocircle 4:) Twocircle method but only fine features are changed (rjump 12:)
rwalk / orwalk Random walk in latent space(rwalk 4:) Orthogonal random walk in latent space (orwalk 4:)

Video Samples

Audio Source (cc licence)